After just returning from a very indulgent holiday it is time for a detox!
There are plenty of different ways to detox, but the easiest and quickest way at home is a detoxing bath soak. Not only is it good for your health but good for your pocket – saving a fortune on the cost of expensive spa treatments.
A detoxing bath encourages the body to flush out the toxins caused by day to day life, boosts wellbeing and strengthens the immune system to help fight diseases.
The main ingredient for a detoxing bath soak is salt and there are many different types on the market. A few are outlined below.
Dead Sea Salts – for many 100’s of years the dead sea has been known for its therapeutic properties and contains many essential minerals such as magnesium, calcium and zinc. These minerals not only help to remove toxins from the body but have excellent benefits for skin and hair.
Epsom Salts – the high-mineral content duplicates the benefits of a hot spring. Adding these great salts to a bath is an excellent way of combating stress and alleviating muscular aches and pains. The high magnesium content in Epsom Salt also facilitates the removal of acids through the skin.
Himalayan Salts - One of the best ways to detoxify your body as one bath is equivalent to a 3 day fast if you use 1kg! The bath will also be great for the skin and any irritations. Great when convalescing or if you have the flu or try a footbath, this will assist your detoxification as fluids tend to congregate in your feet. The ionic salt will assist the detox process as normal and the fluids are what contain the many toxins.
For the above reasons, I will use both Dead Sea and Epsom Salts in this bath soak.
Now we have decided on our base salts there are many other ingredients we can use to help with the detoxifying and relaxing properties of our soak.
I have chosen to add Bentonite clay. Bentonite clay is becoming a very popular product with many people looking at its detoxifying properties. I will also add some frankincense and lavender essential oil to relax, calm and help reduce pain in the body.
To make our bath soak we need the following:
150g Dead Sea Mineral Salts
50g Epsom Salts
20g Bentonite Clay
4ml Frankincense Essential Oil
4ml Lavender Essential Oil
Large Jar
To make our bath soak we first need to add the two salts and clay to the Jar.
Then mix together, making sure it is evenly mixed. Add your essential oils and mix again. It is now ready to use!
To use our soak, run a bath to your liking, the depth and temperature is up to you. Once you are happy, add the soak and enjoy! I would recommend a soak for about 20-25 minutes. This can be done 2-3 times a week, always remember to drink plenty of water.